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The Adventure Continues…9 Weeks


Hello again!

The Amazing Adventures of Pregnancy (T.A.A.P.)Welcomes back to our Millennial Mom who is sharing her pregnancy journey from Conception to Birth: Mrs. Keishla Marie Narvaez. Keishla is still in the 1st trimester of her pregnancy and is sharing the exhausting and exciting facts of 9 weeks or pregnancy !

I am now 9 weeks and 4 days! The nausea and vomiting is still happening even though I’m on four medications– but the good thing is that I usually just throw up when I wake up in the morning and right before I go to sleep.  Which means, I am able to keep food down; and have gained 3 pounds back, YAY!!

It’s still pretty hard to believe that I’m having another baby. Like, I’m growing a whole human AGAIN! Has anyone ever felt like even after getting an ultrasound and them confirming you ARE pregnant that there’s still a chance you may not be?? or is it just me?? I’m telling you I’M STILL SHOCKED! I’ve known for 5 WHOLE WEEKS and I still can’t believe it.


Photo by Pixabay on

We get to find out the gender of the baby in about two weeks so we’re pretty excited about that! I want to do a gender reveal but I’m way to impatient. There is definitely a baby on board though!




Lots of loveeeeeeee!

Keishla   🙂

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